The Inevitable Injury Protocol


I currently have several minor injuries. Lower back (chronic) left elbow and my right side lat. My lower back isn’t from working out per’se but it is from playing basketball. However my elbow and lat was injured directly due to training. Now the average, mediocre person may slightly be deterred from training due to injury statement. If this is true, you’ll never excel. IN NOTHING! If your training/working out doing mediocre work like, 10-15 reps of body weight squats, 10 push-ups or lets say 35% or your max in dumbbell curls and bench press….All 3 sets per exercise. SUPER COMFORT ZONE! Unless your form is absolutely horrific, you won’t get injured or make substance gains for that matter. It’s perfectly fine to begin your fitness journey utilizing reps and sets mentioned above. Or if your elderly as well. Other than that, man (woman) up and get the fuck out of your comfort zone. Injuries will come. I’m not speaking about surgery type injuries though it could happen if not being mindful of best practices like spotters, weight belt, elbow brace, knee brace etc. I’m primarily referring too strained muscles, shoulder injury, knee popping. And a plethora of other minor ailments. I started my fitness journey young and used shitty form which came back to bite me in the ass. Patience and exercising with no ego might’ve saved my shoulders. Nevertheless “it’s still my muthafucking set” (CT Fletcher voice). My advice to preventing injuries is to be mindful and understand the movement your trying to perform . Use lightweights that are manageable until you have the movement fluid and under control. No ego lifting. Look at tutorials to learn proper techniques.


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